Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's a Small World

When we left the manor house this afternoon to do some exploring Allyn was wearing the Montreal Canada T-Shirt that Andrew brought back for him after his mission. The first person we saw as we went outside asked, "Are you from Canada?" Allyn explained that we were not from Canada, but that our son had served a mission for the church in Montreal. This man was originally from Calgary, went to college at Boise State, and now lives in Las Vegas. He was familiar with the church and we had a nice chat with him. He said he had lived around lots of "Mormons" in Idaho and that surprisingly there were also many church members in Las Vegas.

We walked into town for lunch and ate at Pat Collins Pub and Restaurant. Allyn read about it on Trip Adviser, an internet based travel site he likes to use, and it was rated as the number one Irish Pub in the area. Allyn had Irish Fish and Chips, and I had a Chicken Caesar Salad. I am the "less adventurous" eater and was hoping for a little something that reminded me of home. I was not too disappointed as the only difference was my salad contained a variety of lettuce instead of just romaine.

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